Meet Mr. Perez

Michelle Ceja, Contributor

What was your best childhood memory?

I would have to say playing with my siblings.

What’s your best high school memory? Why?

It’s hard to pinpoint one. I had a great high school experience here at HHS.

What was your worst memory in high school? Why?

I can’t really say I had a worst experience.

What were your plans after high school?

The only plan I had was to go to college. That college ended up being UCSB.

What do you like to do on your free time? Why?

I love to travel and try new food.

What’s your favorite color? Why?

I would say red because ruby is my birth stone and so I’ve always liked red.

What made you become what your doing right now?

After I graduated I tried subbing out and I really liked it. I always loved history and coaching.

If you could be anywhere in the world where would you be? Why?

I would love to visit japan; I am very fascinated with their culture.

What frustrates you the most in your classroom?

When seniors don’t listen.

In High School did you participate in any sports, school clubs, or after school activities? If so what made you participate?

I participated in many clubs, tennis, ASB, etc. I liked being very involved and so that’s why I was in so many school activities.