Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire

Juan Flores, Contributor

The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire is to this day one of the deadliest industrial disasters in the U.S. with 146 deaths and 78 non-fatal injuries. Located in the Greenwich Village neighborhood of Manhattan, New York City, this dealy disaster took place on March 10, 1911. The majority of the victims were 14 to 23 years of age with the majority also being recent Jewish and Italian immigrants. The fired started inside a trash bin by possibly an unproperly extinguished cigar butt or match.

Image result for shirtwaist fire"

Since the factory was located on the 9th, 8th, and 10th floors of the 10 story building and the fire originated on the 8th, many women stayed stuck on the upper floors. There were many flaws in the building like exit doors that were looked and they had to be open inwards which led to the panicking crowd preventing the doors from opening. Many witnesses recall seeing a young couple kiss before jumping to their death. Flaws like that lead do desperate workers to jump to their death through the windows. This incident lead the government to impose more safety requirements.

Source: google

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