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The student news site of Hueneme High School

The Voyager

The student news site of Hueneme High School

The Voyager

The student news site of Hueneme High School

The Voyager

Maluiafa Tauanu'u

Maluiafa Tauanu’u, Contributor

Hello, my name is Maluiafa Tauanu’u but most people call me Lulu. I am a senior here at Hueneme High School. I was originally born in Las Vegas Nevada but my entire family is from Oxnard so I officially moved here in 2016. I love to watch documentaries about specific events in the world and color. I am very passionate about helping others overcome traumatic events which is after high school I plan on going to college to hopefully become a victims advocate. I am very excited about being a part of the Viking voyager and hopefully advancing my writing.

All content by Maluiafa Tauanu’u
The American Epidemic

The American Epidemic

Maluiafa Tauanu’u, Contributor
November 16, 2022
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