A Journey into the Unknown

March 24, 2022
Seniors! Do you know what time it is!?
It is three more months until graduation! By now, colleges have responded back with either acceptance or rejection letters. Many of you have gotten into the colleges you have wanted, and many of you have been disappointed with the responses you have heard back. Nonetheless at least each and every one of you have been accepted into at least one college and some of your backups. This is a very exciting and frightening time in our senior lives because not only do we have to make taxing decisions of where our next four loves will reside (with the college we choose), but with the realization that high school graduation is not far off. Ultimately, we will have to say goodbye to our friends and family and start a new chapter in our lives for the first time as adults. We will be encountering the unknown and leaving the comfort of our home and parents behind. For the first time in our lives, we will have to figure things out ourselves in the real world and our parents will no longer pick up the pieces. It is up to us to fathom what we will make for ourselves. Good luck on a new adventure class of 2026!