Better To Be Safe Than Sorry!

December 13, 2021
Hello students of Hueneme!
Do you know what week this is? This is the last week before going into Winter Break! FINALLY. We’re almost there y’all, just hang in there. Peace and good affirmations to you all!- from yours truly.
Anyways, I know I know. This is the last week before we are gone for two weeks (and be free from school) and we are mentally tired and wishing that we are on break already. I know that although it is the beginning of the week, we already gave up and crashed and burned. Just remember kids, just because we are almost on winter break does not mean that it gives us the right not to do your work. It is imperative that you continue to complete your assignments and go to class! If you haven’t figured it out by now, what I am saying is… don’t slack off!
Also, if you have assignments that you need to do over the break, make sure to do them (even if you remember it the last day of winter break). If your grades are good or decent, please don’t have your teachers lower your grades if you didn’t turn them in. Better to be safe than sorry! If your teachers didn’t assign you work at all, kudos to you! You have the best teachers! Make sure to thank them too because teachers that don’t assign work over the break are life savers!