Meet The Contribution: Agustin Armenta


Hello my name is Agustin Armenta.  My favorite food is burritos and my favorite place to go for fun is Six Flags.

On the  the weekends I like to play my Xbox and hang out with my cousins,  I also love to go to El Taco De Mexico and sometimes I visit my grandma.

I’m not a really an outdoor person so I usually stay in my house and  watch TV.

Q. If you could be a dinosaur, what would you be.

A. The choice will be a T-Rex

Q.What is your favorite superhero or villain?

A. My favorite superhero is green arrow.

Q.How many brothers and sisters do you have?

A. I only have 4 brothers and no sisters.

Q. What is your favorite movie?

A. My favorite movie is Get Hard.

Q. What food do you enjoy eating?

A. The food I love and  enjoy eating are burritos and pizza.