Venus Flytrap Facts


Danny Martinez, Conributor


Unlike most plants, Venus flytraps are carnivorous which means they eat meat. Venus flytraps grow to around 5 inches in diameter.

Image result for venus flytrap


  Venus flytraps are native to North and South Carolina, but they been introduced by many other states. They like the moist, acidic soil found in the under-stories of forests. They also need high humidity and a lot of sunlight to flourish. The most interesting part of this plant is how they eat.

Flytraps lure insects by the reddish lining in the leaves and by secreting a fragrant nectar. When bugs land in the jaws of the flytrap, it doesn’t clamp down right away. Sensory hairs, called trichomes, on the inside of the petals essentially count the movements from the insect. There must be at least two moments in 20 seconds or the petals wont close.

Image result for venus flytrap


I got my information at Pc:Info