The Scariest Rides


Isabel Vargas, Contributor

  1. .Fahrenheit Hershey Park- The ride was opened on May of 2008. The ride takes you up around 121 ft, then it drop you at 97 degree. After the initial drop then you bear at 107 ft loop, cork crew loop, cobra element, airbone s-rool and another corkscrew.

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Picture Credit: Google 

2. Insanity Stratosphere- It’s on the top of a tower and it blows you away. It extent 64 ft over the north edge and it spins at 40 miles an hour, then you sit in a couple that  you face the ground at a angle of 70 degree. You are 900 ft above ground.Image result for . INSANITY STRATOSPHERE HOTEL AND CASINO, LAS VEGAS

Picture Credit: Google 

3. Kingda Ka- This ride is the father of all roller coasters. You go 456 feet that it’s about 45 stories of the building. The roller coaster is 128 miles an hour in just 3.5 seconds, then you go down 270 foot spiral.


Picture Credit: Google 

4. EEJANAIKA – It stands for “Hey, What the Hell?” It’s the second fourth dimensional coaster in the world. The track is longer than the height that it’s taller then 250 ft. You could view the Mount Fuji as you reach the top.

Image result for Mount Fuji view EEJANAIKA


Picture Credit: Google 

5. Expedition Geforce- It’s the largest roller coaster in Europe. It takes you to the height of 203 feet and speeds exceeding 74 miles an hour. The ride as seven moments where you feel you’re flying and your weight has vanished to zero gravity.

Image result for Expedition GeforcePicture Credit: Google 

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