

Ariana Juarez, Contributor

On Monday at five in the morning, the “chirimeteros”(small bands that consist of drums, reed flutes and chirimías) of the Central Valley, play the “mañanitas” to the hill, while the people begin to arrive at the Cerro del Fortin, where the Auditorium Guelaguetza is located , here you can enjoy a succulent Oaxacan lunch, before entering the auditorium where the marimba and the chirimeteros offer an audition.

At ten o’clock in the morning the Guelaguetza begins.

Guelaguetza is a Zapotec word that denotes the act of participating cooperatively; it is a free gift that carries no obligation but that of reciprocity.

The Guelaguetza of the “Lunes del Cerro” is expressed in the offering to the City of Oaxaca made by representative groups of the eight traditional regions:

The Central Valleys, La Sierra Juárez (North), La Cañada, Papaloapan, La Mixteca, La Costa, La Sierra Sur and the Isthmus of Tehuantepec.

Each delegation presents a sample of their cultural heritage through dances performed to the sound of music and songs that are their own, wearing dresses of their respective peoples gala. When finished, each group distributes to the public its “Guelaguetza” composed of objects characteristic of their respective regions.

In the afternoon, the presentation of the legend of Princess Donají, daughter of the Zapotec king Cosijoezay of Princess Coyolicatzin, takes place in the same auditorium.

Between the first Monday and its octave (eight days after), various activities take place, such as gastronomic and artisan displays and local customs representations of the most diverse communities of the state, as well as exhibitions, concerts and other events of cultural significance organized by the institutions that disseminate the culture of Oaxaca in all its manifestations.

In the “Octava” or second Monday of the Hill, the “Guelaguetza” and the “Legend of the Princess Donají” are repeated.

Recently other folkloric spectacles have been added to these festivities for popular entertainment.

The parade of the delegations organized in the manner of the traditional Calenda and which takes place on the Saturday before the first Monday.”Lunes de Cerro”

This calenda is headed by the “marmota”, which is a large spherical lantern covered in cloth, the “giants”, the “Oaxacan women”, women from the city carrying flowered baskets accompanied by their band and rockets; they are followed by the other delegations, each of them preceded by the music of their region.

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Picture Credit: GOOGLE

Feature Image: GOOGLE

Information Source : GUELAGUETZA