How to lower cars


Leobardo Rodriguez, Contributor

There are many ways to lower cars.There are advantages to lowering your car such as having a better look of your car and your suspension gets stiffer.It’s relatively expensive to drop your car and have the ride quality stay nice and smooth. There are different type of suspensions parts like leaf suspension, spring, coilover. There are very cheap ways to lower a car like if you cut your spring but that leaves a very sketchy suspension that will be a little dangerous.Every time you change a suspension part you should go to get your car realigned so your car doesn’t drive unevenly.

Every time you lower your car you get negative camber which means your wheels tuck in towards the car and use up your tire faster.To get rid of negative camber and want to still have a smooth car you should get different control arms that have less stress put on the ball joint so your car stays safe.When your gets lowered the geometry of your car changes and can be dangerous, so whenever  your lowering a car or changing suspension parts always get your car realigned.If you wish to take your safety more serious you can also get your wheels balanced to help  out on drive ability.

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