White Holes vs Black Holes


Alan Santos, contributor

Have you ever wondered the difference between white holes and Black Holes? Well for starters black hols do exist and there not nice, Black holes are far away millions of light years away from us and they are terrifying as they sound, they are the most destructive machine in the universe that not even light can escape. What does sound interesting for scientists is ‘White Holes” have been a theory for a long time. Like black holes take in matter, scientists think there should be a channel at the end of a block hole where matter is brought back out. That’s where the term White Holes comes in.

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What does sound interesting for scientists is ‘White Holes” have been a theory for a long time. Like black holes take in matter, scientists think there should be a channel at the end of a block hole where matter is brought back out. That’s where the term White Holes comes in. The thing is they haven’t been found in “This Universe”! Which means if the theory is correct there has to be a way to find another universe in another universe that can be only found threw a white hole??


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If NASA is able to prove there real then more theories will be born; can we enter them; is there a way to do time travel through them; can we really be killed by one? All these ideas are good questions, but have no answers for it yet because it all sounds crazy, no lie about it. Warm holes have been the biggest theory yet made between a white hole and a black one, if we ever discovered a white hole then all the countries in the world will try to study it and see if life can be found on the other side.

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