The angels of farmers


Alan Santos, contributor

On averaged more then half the people around the world owned dogs and the United states is the #1 country with the most population of dogs. We all have dogs as pets for fun, to play with them, exercise with them etc. But have you ever wondered why farmers are a big fan of dogs. If not then I’m here to tell you, farmers who produce livestock depend a lot on big grounds of land so there animals can feed of them. By doing this they require a lot of attention due being in big lands there’s predators hanging around. Every year farmers deal with losing livestock to wolfs, bears, mountain lions, etc so farmers look up to the shepherds.


Image result for caucasian shepherd dog with livestock



Who is that well no one else but the Caucasian Shepherds, there are a lot of stories about them, but the most popular one is the “Wolf Killer”, the’re other big dogs like the kangal, Alabai, Tibetan mastiff. All these big dogs are great guard dogs, but require big spaces to run around which make them perfect for livestock. When ever they grow around sheep or cows they will defend to the death before anyone else can get hurt. But the Caucasian shepherd is a great friend, loyal, playful, but requires adult supervision around children due to there huge size and weight. If you ever travel to farms where they are held around the world like parts of the U.S, Russia, China, India, Europe, in nature be sure to say hi to the Angel Guardians of the sheep as you drive by because they will be watching everything around there property.

Image result for caucasian shepherd

picture credit: google