Top Ten most viewed movies of all time

Leobardo Rodriguez, Contriburor

Movies have been a huge thing in society since the early 1900’s. Movies for some people are a way to bond or to share common tastes based on the types of movies they like. Movies have always been a popular viewing for most people. There’s always a movie being talked about by your friends or family and are always hyped up to go watch the movie.  But there are just some movies that reach the top ten most viewed movies ever. The top ten most viewed movies are


2. E.T. the Extra Terrestrial

3. The Wizard of Oz

4. Star Wars IV: A New Hope

5. The Lord of the Rings:The Return of the King

6. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

7. Terminator 2: Judgement Day

8. The Lion King

9. The Godfather

10. The Jesus Film

The only one of these films to come out in the 2000’s is The Lord of the Rings. This movie was able to come out at fifth place with over 1billion dollars at the box office. The rest of the movies on the list all have came out in the 1900’s.

Info Courtesy of: auora