Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein

Oscar Reyes, Contributor

Einstein was a mystery to most people in the scientific community, his theories and equations revolutionized science forever. In order to revolutionized science, Einstein had to create a theory of everything involving equations that made history. Einstein created new universal concepts like: Theory of relativity, Quantum mechanics, Quantum theory and Universal equations.

Albert Einstein was born in March 14, 1874 in Ulm, Germany. As a child Albert wasn’t the smart in school people thought he was retarded, he didn’t like what people thought about him so he that’s what brought him to transcend into a genius later on as an adult.

In his adult life, Einstein loved to smoke and play the violin, his hobbies brought him to realize how wonderful is the world. Albert did not really become world famous until some of the things in his Theory of Special Relativity proved to be true. In  his theory he explained the unexplained variations in the orbital motion of the planets.

Albert Einstein died in 1955, in Priceton, New jersey. He was able to see his own people return to their homeland, something he wanted to see all his life. Einstein accomplished many things in life because of his hard work, and all his work has not only help America but our world today.

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