Facts about Dolphin’s

Facts about Dolphins

Maria Aguirre, Contributor

Dolphins are a very cute animals. The name dolphin came from the common name of aquatic mammals.

One of the smallest dolphins are about 4 feet and weight about 90 pounds. Don’t think just cause they are animals they don’t have a long life they live about the same amount as we do.

For example, Orcas can live up to 70 or 80 years. There is about 38 different dolphins in the world.

Dolphins can jump out as high as 30 feet out of the water. Female dolphins mature around 5-14 and males mature around 9-14. Most of them need one of two ecosystem.

Here are some facts about Dolphins:

  • Very social
  • A tablespoon of water in a dolphin’s lung could drawn it
  • Dolphin’s are the only animals who give birth with the baby tails coming first
  • Their sense of touch is well-developed but they have no sense of smell
  • They are smart as apes and their brains are similar to humans
  • Dolphin’s need to come out from the water to breathe
  • Protective
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