Cesar Chavez

Oscar Reyes, Contributor

Cesar Chavez was an American labor leader and civil rights activist. Cesar was born on march 31, 1927, the second of five children and the oldest of three brothers. His parents, Librado Chavez, a small farmer and business man, and Juana Estrada Chavez, a strong women, catholic, a farm women. The Chavez family had a big garage and a beautiful pool  in Arizona’s North Gila Valley, near the California-Mexico border.

The story of Cesar Chavez begins near Yuma, Arizona. He learned about justice early in his life. Chavez was a great kid but he did not like school because he only spoke Spanish at home. In 1938 his family move to California and lived in La Colonia in Oxnard for a short period of time because he return to Arizona several months later. In June 1939 the Chavez family decided to move to California and this time settled in San Jose. Cesar thought the only way to get out of the circle of poverty was to work his way up and send his kids to School so they could had a good education and a good  career.

Many people supported Cesar Chavez because he believed in nonviolence. Like Cesar, they also believed that farm workers deserved better treatment, respect, dignity, justice, and fairness. In 1993, April 23 Cesar Chavez was found dead in San Luis, AZ. Doctors said that Chavez died peacefully in his sleep. After all, the death of Chavez marked an era of dramatic changes in America agriculture.

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