10 Facts about Sloths!

Sirena Navarro, Contributor

1. Sloths are clumsy on land but swim well in water!

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Photo: Flickr

2. When it comes down to doing their business, sloths only urinate/defecate once a week!

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Photo: Flickr

3. As time goes on, algae may grow on their fur which can be used to blend in with their surroundings!

Image result for sloth with algae

Photo: Flickr

4. Sloths gain energy from eating leaves.

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Photo: Wikimedia Commons

5. Sloths can keep their grip on a tree even after death!

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Photo: Wikimedia Commons

6. Three-toed sloths can turn their head 360 degrees!

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Photo: Flickr

7. Sloths only gather with other sloths to mate.

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Photo: Wikipedia

8. Female sloths can be pregnant for up to 10 months, end the end they only give birth to one baby sloth. 

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Photo: Flickr

9. Sloths can live up to 40 years old.

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Photo: Flickr

10. Sloths cannot jump.

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Photo: Flickr

Featured Image: Wikipedia