USMC History, Battle of Belleau Wood


Brycen Cusson, Contributor

Photo Courtesy of Wikipedia 

When Marines Arrived in Belau Wood, just outside of Paris They resived orders From French officers to pull back and Captain Lloyd W. Williams responded with “Retreat? Hell, we just got here”, the Marines fought against German soldiers, They suffered heavy casualties and were pinned down by artillery and  gun fire.

On June 7, 1918, with little supplies and ammunition, the Marines Charged with bayonets, seizing enemy positions. Marine riflemen demonstrated their superior marksmanship, shredding the lines of an oncoming German counterattack.

After 20 days of combat, the Marines had won the Battle of Belau Wood. The German survivors, exhausted and wounded, gave them the nickname Teufelhunden, or “Devil Dogs” this nickname was adopted by the Marine Corps and is still used today.