How to Survive Hueneme High School
October 5, 2018
To survive Hueneme High School you have to know these 10 basic things:
- Don’t be late for school & be ready to work.
- Always follow the rules when you’re in the classroom or in the quad.
- Treat HHS property with respect & treat others like how you want to be treated.
- Use your device as learning devices & only take them out when the time recalls for it.
- Have your feet and hands to yourself; any fight will be consider for suspension.
- Remember any drug substance or alcohol isn’t tolerable around campus.
- Never leave anything the last minute, some teachers will not accept work from two months ago.
- Always have a good night, sleep recommends 8 to 10 ours of sleep in order to think better.
- Don’t be afraid to fail everyone makes mistakes, mistakes make you stronger.
- Don’t play around the first few years, then try to save yourself at the end because you will regret it.
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