Facts about Sharks

Facts about Sharks

Itzel Aguirre, Contributor

  • Sharks are in every ocean in the world

  • Sharks’ bones are made out of cartilage

  • Sharks are very different from fish because they have eyelids

  • They have been around for more than 450 million years

  • You can tell a sharks age by looking at its rings on its vertebrae

  • Their eyes are located on the sides of their head so they can have a wide outlook of their surroundings

  • Sharks whip their prey back and fourth in order to rip pieces of meat off

  • They have the thickest skin

  • Larger sharks live longer than smaller sharks

  • Sharks bite each other when it comes to mating

  • Frilled sharks are pregnant for 3 and a half years

  • Great Whites can jump 10 feet out of water to catch their prey

Courtesy of: SharkSlider