Emmett till


Keith Sneed, Contributor

Emmett Till was born in 1941 in Chicago. He grew grew up in a black neighborhood. Till was visiting relatives in Money, Mississippi, in 1955 when he  was accused of whistling at Carolyn Bryant, a white woman who was a cashier at a grocery store.

Four days later Bryant’s husband Roy and his half-brother J.W. Milam kidnapped till they beat him and shot him in the head. They were tried for murder, but an all-white male jury acquitted them.

They didn’t even know if the story was true. Emmett Tills mother wanted to keep the casket open at the funeral to show what the white men had done to him.

In 2007  Carolyn admitted  that she had lied about Till making advances toward her. She should have went to jail for that but she didn’t she didn’t because she has power.

The two men that killed  Emmett should have went to jail for what they did. Nobody knows the true story because she lied.

Emmett’s family did not get justice. Justice was never served. Emmett was only 14 years old when he died.

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