How to Get Out of Quicksand

Nicole Moraga, Contibutor

  1. Keep calm
    Quick sand is scary but just not as dramatic as in the movies. Take some breaths and relax, the more air that’s in your lungs the easier it will be for you to float.
  2. Lose the gear
    Toss the extra weight. If you are carrying anything toss it, the extra weight will make you sink quicker.
  3. Wiggle
    You sink because where you are stuck your weight is pushing out the water which causes a vacuum like effect, sucking you into the quicksand.
  4. Use your back
    If you’re ankles or knees deep, slowly sit down. If you are waist deep slowly lay on your back. Don’t freak out quicksand is like a pool, if you lay on your back you will float.
  5. Wiggle
    Now that you are on your back as counterweight you can start wiggling your legs free.As you wiggle your feet start to pull up. The water should return to wear you loosened the grip.
  6.  Crawl
    Pulling your leg out will take a while so no need to rush it. Once both limbs are free roll onto your stomach and crawl to safety.Info Credits: