Five ways to reduce your daily stress!


Yvonne Estrada, Contributor

  1. Wake up early
    • Waking up early can get you a calm start on your day and motivate you to go out and be productive throughout daylight.
    • “early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise”
  2. Accept and face your challenges
    • accept your troubles and find a solution instead of cribbing and sobbing about how bad your problems are, it’ll make you stronger.
    • accepting your troubles can have a positive impact on your mind and positively benefit your conscious.
  3. Look after yourself
    • keeping our body unhealthy and not giving it enough rest can cause us to stress greatly
    • ignorance can more harm us greatly and could weaken our power to deal with stress.
  4. Avoid distractions
    • while the virtual presence is as important as physical presence, it is harder to get rid of these distractions
    • we can avoid these distractions by focusing on hobbies or doing a particular job
  5. Don’t procrastinate
    • do not leave any work for the next day
    • Procrastination is bad and stressful and the thought to complete the work tomorrow, never gets accomplished.

Be stress free!!