Op-Ed: Animals Worst Dream

May 13, 2022
As little kids we always wanted to go to the zoo and see all the different animals. Once we finally do get the opportunity to go, we get happy and excited all just to see wild animals in their “natural habitat.” As we grow up and get older, we realize and notice what actually happens in those cages. Some zoos actually care and help out their animals. While other zoos, one of them being Surabaya Zoo in Indonesia known as “the world’s cruelest zoo.” According to The Dodo’a article “The 5 Worst Zoos In The World — And How To Save Their Animals,” from (https://www.thedodo.com/the-5-worst-zoos-in-the-world–528392319.html) “A young lion was found in his enclosure and a giraffe with plastic lining her stomach to a tiger fed with meat laced with formaldehyde.” Between July and September, a total of 43 animals died in Surabaya Zoo. Additionally, Mumbai Zoo is a zoo that is slowly turning into a “taxidermy” museum by letting their animals die. (A taxidermy is stuffing and mounting the bodies of animals with lifelike effects)
Yes, some people may say that certain things like this only happen in out of state zoos. Instead of going to zoos the best option to go to see animals is a sanctuary. Animals need to be living out in their own world and live in their well known natural habitat. Wild animals need to have their natural resources as having a prey for a certain animal and not just meat that was bought from a store around the corner. As well as spaces, zoo animals are most likely put into small spaces or cages. Sometimes it may seem big and spacious. It won’t matter because wild animals need a bigger and natural habitat.