35 Years With Nintendo

March 13, 2020
As you might know, Nintendo has been the most popular and original video game brand ever. None of the games we know today would be here if it wasn’t for Nintendo. Its 35th anniversary is coming in a few months, so let take a trip toward memory lane to how from we’ve come.
Nintendo Entertainment System (1985)
Nintendo Game Boy (1989)
Super Nintendo Entertainment System (1990)
Nintendo 64 (1996)
Nintendo Gamecube (2001)
Nintendo DS (2004)
Nintendo Wii (2006)
Nintendo 3DS (2011)
Nintendo Wii U (2012)
Nintendo Switch (2017)
Nintendo has come a long way from where it first started 35 years ago. From wired controllers to converted and customize system you play both handheld or on your tv. Hopefully, Nintendo will continue since its the best video game company.
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