Hair Extensions

March 11, 2020
Hair Extensions are used to add fullness and length to the natural hair. Hair extensions could be clipped, glued or sewed. Hair extensions last for different amounts of time depending on the style you get. Clipped hair extensions are removable you can remove and put them back in as you like, there for they can last to up to a year. Glue-ins last four to eight weeks. Sew-in extensions last up to six and 12 weeks.
Clip-in hair extensions range from $100 to $200. Professional glued-in extensions prices go up to $600, and sew-ins can range from $300 to $600.
Clipped extensions if performed properly will have no damage to your natural hair. Hair extensions that are applied with glue or sewn to small strands of hair there is a risk of damage to the roots of your hair.
pic credit: google
information : google
featured image : google