Getting to know the one and only, the beast, the GOAT, Mr. Cesar R

Mark Martin, contributor

What’s your favorite subject at school?

“Chemistry Honors.”

What sports are you into?

“basketball, soccer, boxing, & baseball.”

What do you do in your free time?

“I play videogames, and listen to music.”

What college do you want to go to?

“I want to go to Stanford.”

What do you want to major in?

“I want to major in engineering or computer tech.”

What do you have planned after Stanford?

“I do not know yet.”

What’s your dream car?

“My dream car is a Toyota Supra.”

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

“I see myself running a business”

What’s the first thing you look forward to when you come to school?

“Seeing my friends.”

Do you see yourself having a kid, and if you do how many?

“I see myself with 3 kids at most”

What do you prefer, iPhones or Androids?

” That’s an idiot question Mark,….. iPhones.”

What’s your favorite type of candy?

” I like Starbursts.”

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