States I Want to Travel to This Year
February 4, 2020
For the longest time I’ve always wanted to travel the world, but as unrealistic as that sounds I thought I start off with just the States first. Our country, The United States is made up of 50 states total, and I’ll present to you my top 10 States I want to go to this year. Coming in tenth place of the states I want to go to is Wisconsin. I want to go to Wisconsin because their accents there sound super cute to me and I also want to try the cheese there. In ninth place is Washington mainly because I want to spend a couple weeks in that cold atmosphere. I love the cold and being able to bundle up in a bunch of layers and I feel like going to Washington is the greatest excuse for me to wear me puffy Hollister jacket. In eight place is Kentucky mainly to try their chicken there and be able to see the split between Kentucky and Tennessee. Seventh place is Louisiana because I want to see Mardy Gras and try some Louisiana gumbo. In sixth place I want to go to Georgia since I want to try fresh peaches. Fifth place is New York because I want to try this sushi place there, I saw it on worth it which is a buzzfeed series where they try food. Fourth place is Maine since I want to try their lobsters there. Third place is New Mexico since I’m Native American and my tribe is from there and my uncle lives on the reserve there. Second place is Texas and it’s because I have brothers there and I
would love to visit them. Then in first place is Florida because I want to go to Walt Disney world and try alligator nuggets there.
pictures: disney world picture & lobster picture
feature picture: google