Naruto Anime Review
January 8, 2020
Naruto is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Masashi Kishimoto, and is the story of Naruto Uzumaki, a young ninja who seeks to gain recognition from his fellow peers, and is first sensei Iruka Umino. You follow him in his dreams journey of becoming the Hokage. Naruto aired its first episode on October 3, 2002.
In my opinion, Naruto has really good writing and has decent animation. Compared to many of the early 2000’s anime, Naruto had moderate animation for its time. Naruto has many great episodes and acrs; including the Chūnin Exams (Arc). Which is one of my personal favorite acrs of the original series.
This acr displays how Naruto’s team (team 7) must work together when though they may have differences between two of two members, being Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha. They set that aside to come together to pass their exam. Through this acr the characters grow as people and we see a substantial amount of character development. We also a few characters get their well-deserved spotlight.
One big drawback to anime-only consumers is, all of the filler, being there to give more character development to team-7. One of the biggest pet peeves about having filler/ filler arcs, is that it takes away from the original story. By doing so it almost distracts you from the story and whats going on.
Overall filler or not Naruto is a great anime in my opinion, and is every beloved by many. As many grew up watching Nartuo and his journey in becoming the greatest Hokage in the hidden leave village.