The Future of Ormond Beach’s Power Plant

December 5, 2019
After years of battling, Oxnard was able to prevent the completion of the city’s fourth powerplant. While the plan and construction were halted, the powerplant is still on Ormond Beach, and many are wondering about its future. City Manager Alex Nguyen is discussing the matter with GenOn, the owner of the plant, to create a trust fund that will financially support the facility’s demolition and to reform the beach it resides on. Before the fund can be established, the cost of demolition must first be determined, as well as the rehabilitation of the land and how long it will take for the power plant to create the necessary revenue.
The power plant is currently set to still operate and generate revenue for the trust fund. While there is a set goal to remove the plant, a set date for the removal hasn’t been decided on. There was originally a deadline for the plant to be shut down by 2020, as state law prohibits the use of ocean water to cool down power plants, Ormond’s power plant is being allowed to run after. The state’s public utility commission recommends the plant the power plant to continue running until the end of 2021 to keep electricity intact in the area. The deadline for the plant could be further extended if electricity reliability concerns remain, meaning that it could possibly run for at least a few more years.
Many approve of the plan, but have concerns about how long it would take, and the effects the plan would take on the wetlands’ restoration.
Information Source: Ventura County Star
Featured Image: Wikimedia Commons
Other Image: Flickr