Human Trafficking

September 27, 2019
Human trafficking is the trade of humans usually transported from one country to another. These victims are used for forced labor or are made sex slaves against their will. Globally, a total of 71% of the enslaved people are women and girls while men only 29%. In 2018, The National Human Trafficking Hotline received more calls from California than any other state in the U.S. The national human trafficking hotline is available 24 hours 7 days a week and has more than 200 languages available. The number for this hotline is 1 (888) 373-7888 or text 233733 “ help” or “info”.
There are 40.3 million victims of human trafficking globally. 81% of them are trapped in forced labor. The first movement against sex trafficking was launched in England by Josephine Butler in 1828 through 1906. Currently, there are many organizations to help these issues such as Free the Slaves, Polaris project, Cosa, Urban Light, Good Wave, Shared Hope International. These all are to bring awareness to women, children, and men trafficking as well as sex trafficking.
picture credit: Jayhawk Flyer
featured image: Eglin Air Force Base