“Naked Economics” – A Book Review

March 11, 2019
About a week ago I went to Barnes & Noble, I expected nothing out of the trip, but ended up buying a book for $20 (tax included) about economics. I’ve always been interested in social sciences, especially US history, but my interests have taken a slight turn into economics.
If you don’t know much about economics, this book by Charles Wheelan is for you, “Naked Economics“, sounds scandalous, it’s everything but scandalous. Charles explains a stripped down version of economics, no graphs or hard to understand equations, just humor and hard to swallow pills about the hardships of our economy, and other styles of economies.
“Translates the arcane and often inscrutable jargon of the professional economist into language accessible to the inquiring but frustrated layman… clear, concise, informative, [and] witty.” – Chicago Tribune
“I recommend this book to anyone who wants to gain an understanding of basic economics with little pain and much pleasure” – Gary Becker, 1992 Nobel Prize winner in economics
Featured Image: Barnes & Noble