Recent Natural Disasters

November 7, 2018
Hurricane Michael- October 10, 2018 in Florida Panhandle, Gulf Coast this hurricane was a level 4. Winds reaching up to 155 Mph meaning lots of damage occurred through the hurricane. Caused flooding along the shore. Homes were damaged and all transportation was out and electricity. Deaths were very minimal.
Indonesia Earthquake and Tsunami- September 28, 2018 in the island of Sulawesi, mainly its central province, Palu. A 7.5 Earthquake occurred which led to lots of deaths and damage happened . Around 800 people died and still in counting. Inmates managed to escape from 5 prisons authorities gave them less than 2 weeks to return.
Hurricane Florence- September 13, 2018 in the Carolinas homes were really flooded and so were streets. Huricane was categorized as a number 1,winds looking at 30 Mph. Several rivers flooded and the deaths were around 40+.
Super Typhoon Mangkhut- September 9, 2018 multiples areas were affected by this hurricane such as Guam,the Marshall Islands, the Philippines. Residents from the Philippines were evacuated at a Category 5 hurricane. Wind reaching over 100 mph, houses destroyed all over the place deaths were at 60+
Source: Ranker
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