What Kind of Foods Make Us Fat?

October 29, 2018
A lot of people tend to think that eating junk food is the only way you can gain fat. Truth is though, a lot of foods that people might consider “ordinary” or healthy might just be the reason they are gaining fat. Let’s make this clear, just because the contents of a food say it has high fat doesn’t mean you’re going to gain a lot of fat. There’s even more fat inducing contents that might be included that people don’t pay too much attention to. Truth is sugar and carbohydrates are even more unhealthy (if eaten in excess) than fat. foods such as peanut butter, bread, chips, soda, or even orange juice have potential unhealthy consequences. Foods that have over 30 grams of carbohydrates and over 25 grams of sugar should try to be avoided. Those type of foods only fuel the fat that you already have to create even more fat. High protein foods with low carbs, sugar, and even low sodium are the best way to avoid gaining fat.
Picture Credit: Wright-Patterson