Training or Nutrition; Which Is More important?

Banana A Change In Lifestyle Healthy Diet

Oscar Silva, Contributor

I think it is common knowledge that a good diet and a good routine of exercise is needed to either get fit or get ripped. One of the most common misconceptions about getting fit or getting ripped is that training is the only thing that matters or that it matters the most. In reality a good proper nutrition and diet is just as important of getting a good gym session. Sleep is also an important factor but for now just to keep it simple I will only speak about training and diet/nutrition.

Let’s start by supposing that some is trying to get into shape and has plans to go to the gym 2 hours everyday. Those 2 hours of gym time and hard work wont result in gains or loss of fat if the body isn’t being fed proper nutrition such as protein, carbs, etc… Working out the muscles burns a lot of carbs and protein, and if your body isn’t being replenished of those nutritional values then the muscles will pretty much start eating themselves and instead of making gains you will just end up causing your muscles to weaken and ultimately you will end up with less muscle that you started with.

So in conclusion, I think everyone can agree that both good training and nutrition are really important but if you really compare them and weight out what is better for you alone, nutrition wins automatically.