Toxic chemicals you should avoid!

October 8, 2018
The main chemicals that you guys should avoid in your hair products, makeup, or face washes are parabens which is used preservatives that prevent the growth of bacteria. We all know that most of us never look at the labels on our hair products, makeup, or face washes or anything else but we all should. There might be some things on there that we might not even know about such as the hyphens that are on the labels. In most labels the most known labels are F which represents food and D&C which represent drug and cosmetics. Another chemical that is also really bad for your skin is phthalates which is a group of chemicals that are used in many different products. The main phthalates are in cosmetics. This certain chemical can also be an increase of breast cancer. Most toxic chemicals are found in lipsticks, highlights, and blushes. Picture Credit: Google