Funny Jokes

Courtesy:Wikimedia Commons

Courtesy:Wikimedia Commons

Keith Sneed, Contributor

These are funny joke about animals 

Q: Where do cows go for entertainment?
A: The mooooo-vies!

Q: What kind of dinosaur loves to sleep?
A: A stega-snore-us.

Q: Why couldn’t the pony sing?
A: Because she was a little hoarse.

Q: Where do sheep go to get their hair cut?
A: The baa-baa shop.

Q: What do you get when you cross a snake with a pie?
A: A pie-thon!

Q: What’s the most musical part of the chicken?
A: The drumstick.

Q: What do you call a group of disorganized cats?
A: A cat-tastrophe.

Q: How many tickles does it take to get an octopus to laugh?
A: Ten-tickles.

Q: Why did the chicken get a penalty?
A: For fowl play.

Jokes About Food

Q: Where do you learn to make banana splits?
A: At sundae school.

Q: Why did the melon jump into the lake?
A: It wanted to be a water-melon.

Q: What’s an astronaut’s favorite candy?
A: A Mars bar.

Q: Why did the cookie go to the doctor?
A: It was feeling crumb-y.

Q: What do you call cheese that’s not yours?
A: Nach-o cheese.

Q: What do call it when you help a lemon that’s in trouble?
A: Lemon-aid.

Q: Why did the banana go to the hospital?
A: He was peeling really bad.

Q: Why did the tomato turn red?
A: It saw the salad dressing.

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