Rookie BBQ Starter Kit

Richard Cavazos, Contributor

Okay so one day your home with your family and your wife  says “I want some BBQ ” and you being the man, you are going to say “I’ll whip us something up for us to eat” but, oh no you don’t know the first thing to BBQ. Well today is your lucky day because I’m going to tell you how to BBQ the right way and it will come out delicious if you have these following steps and have these essentials to BBQ. Okay so the first thing you need is a BBQ pit, charcoal, lighter fluid, and something to flip the food with, preferably tongs. After you have those things, you need to find a place to BBQ like your backyard away from the house so no fire is stared. Another place that is good is the park. Now you’re ready to BBQ so when you are ready put enough charcoal to cover the bottom of the BBQ pit and soak the charcoal with lighter fluid for about 5 min and put the grill on so that it burns off the germs before you put your food on. Once the charcoal is lit wait until you see the charcoal turns mostly white because if it’s still black, that means it’s too hot and you’ll burn your food so when it turns white it’s time to put your food on, the amount of time you want each side of your food to cook is about 5 minutes on each side and flip it about 3 times and your food should be crisp and juicy and ready to eat and your wife will love it and love you more.Image result for bbq
