The Nightmare on Elm Street House is For Sale

May 10, 2018
The infamous house where most of the Nightmare on Elm Street movies were filmed such as the first sequel, Freddie’s Revenge (1985) as well as the series’ seventh installment, Wes Craven’s New Nightmare (1994) remain recognizable to horror fans.The new renovated three bedroom, 3.25 bathroom in West Hollywood is currently being sold for $2.1 million. Although most of the house wasn’t used for the movie, there is still notable rooms such as the character Nancy’s room which was in the first installment. This 2,700 sqft house was built in 1919. It also includes a swimming pool and a one bathroom, one bath guest house. Although its quite expensive, it’d be great for horror fans to live in the notable home and to own a part of Hollywood history.