Borderlands 2, My Favorite Game
March 13, 2018

The time has come to talk about my favorite game, not of all time, but that’s for another time when I have no ideas.
I have all the achievements in this game, so I put a lot of time into this game that I still play to beat invincible bosses or just run through the campaign as fast as I can. The main character that I use is Zer0 and he was the first one to be OP 8 and I was very happy when I did so because the amount of time I spent on it was insane.
I’ve also gotten every single legendary and unique weapon, which was hard as the legendary weapons are hard to get sometimes, but what keeps me coming back is the campaign, the invincible bosses, and story bosses as it feels good to finally defeat them and see what loot you can get. Some of them drop specific loot or very rarely you get a world drop which is any weapon in the game.