The Top 5 Most Dangerous Animals In The US
April 13, 2018
- Grizzly Bears would be one of the dangerous animal in the United States. They’re over 6 feet tall and they weigh like 800 pounds. These bears could give a horrible swipe or bite if they feel threatened or scared and even if they’re protecting their young lings. They are some ways you could survive a bear attack by just going into a ball and putting your arms over your neck.
- The next dangerous animal are snakes, now there are 2 kind of dangerous snakes that can be found in the United States. The 1st snake is obviously The Western Diamondback Rattle snake and these snakes can be found in Mexico and in the Desert. The 2nd snake is The Cottonmouth, these snakes can be found only near water like rivers and lakes. When they feel threaten they usually run away but sometimes the hiss or they wag their tail.
- The third animal is a Cougar or what mostly everyone calls them; Pumas or Mountain Lions. They are the largest cats in North America and they are powerful predators that run fast over a short distance time to catch their food. Theses types of animals usually hunt down deer, but sometimes they hunt sheep and horses at some point.
- The American Alligator is number 4 on the list. These animals usually hang out during the swamps or the lakes. These creatures are the most powerful swimmer, but they will go on the surface to take a tanning break. This animal can eat anything that is made of meat, for example; Birds, Dogs, snakes, and fish.
- The Great White Shark is the last animal on the chart! This creature that is the most feared creature. Also this creature is going to grow at least 20 feet long and it is the largest fish of all predator fish. This animal is found mostly in the Northern part of California and at the Atlantic Northeast.