Music in the Brain

Music has a very strong ability to be able to shift someone’s feelings. It allows many people to feel inspired. One way music can be relatable is through its lyrics.

Music therapy is a great example of how music is capable of helping someone. For example, people with Alzheimer’s and dementia can benefit from these non-pharmacological treatments because the music hits a different part of the brain, resulting in improving part of their brains.

 Music is an important role in so many people’s lives. Listening to music has a strong impact on many people in the working world and teenagers alike.  Many people think that music can be used as an escape from reality. In ways, music is capable of hitting our neurotransmitters, causing us to change our moods. Music contains multiple genres in multiple languages and each one is able to change a person’s emotions. 

  For example, HHS senior, Victoria Guevara, said that “Listening to Spanish music makes me feel so powerful.” This implies that indeed does change one’s perspective in a positive way.

Music also helps people choose the way they want to feel. For example, some people listen to Spanish music to feel sad. Others listen to rock music in order to feel happy.“Music is my life,” said another HHS senior, Sergio Gonzalez.

So many people listen to music that matches their feelings. Oftentimes, we can go hours listening to our favorite group without caring what is going on around us.

Every day and everywhere there will be adults and teenagers having some song playing in their heads whether they are in school, at their job, or just living in the moment.

Many people enjoy listening to it, singing it, or dancing to it. Music has forever had some kind of positive effect on us and will fit anyone’s mood or personality. 


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